The following outline is drafted from "Taste of Al-Can Bike Tour"
Suggested Route:
Day:1:Fly into Ft St John, transfer to Dawson Creek
Day:2:Cycle Mile Zero to Kiskatinaw Bridge, shuttle to Pink Mountain
We are off up the notorious Al-Can built in a short 9 months during World War 2. The route:
- MILE 0: Start on more modern stretch of Alcan, with the prerequisite traffic,
- Turn off on an original stretch of the highway to curved wooden Kiskatinaw Bridge.
- End in Taylor at bottom of Peace River Valley.
- Mile: 50 to 147: Shuttle to Pink Mountain (1-1/2hr), avoiding the heavy highway traffic of Ft St John
- Stay at Buffalo Inn ($100/night)
Day:3:Wilderness cycling, shuttle to Ft Nelson
Bike Buckinghorse Rd Shuttle to Ft Nelson
- Mile:147 to 165: Pedal to Sikanni Chief River. Pass old sections of the highway, such as Suicide Hill (Mile 148) and the Drunken Forest.
- Mile: 165 to 183: Shuttle to Buckinghorse Rd
- Mile: 183 to 210: Ride on Buckinghorse Rd through the quiet, tree covered landscapes of BC. Hilly with light traffic.
- Mile:210 to 300: Shuttle to Ft Nelson. (1-1/2hrs).
- Stay at Woodland Inns and Suites ($100/night)
Day:4:Cross Steamboat Mountain, Tetsa River Ranch
- Mile: 300 to 340: Pedal to bottom of Steamboat Mountain
- Mile: 340 to 352: Shuttle up and over Steamboat Mountain. Awesome views from top Steamboat.
- Mile: 352 to 374: Ride the long, gradual and winding descent to Tetsa River Lodge..
- Stay at Tetsa River Lodge ($120/night)
Day:5:Cycle Summit Lake to Toad River Lodge (Mile 422)
- Mile: 374 to 392: Shuttle to Summit .Cross the highest point on original the Al-Can Highway, Summit Lake.
- Mile: 392 to 422: Pedal:short uphill through Stone Mountain Provincial Park and descend to Toad River community
- Stay at lakefront cottages at Toad River Lodge.($122/night)
Day:6:Muncho Lake Provincial Park (Mile 463)
- Mile: 422 to 463: Ride from Toad River to Munch Lake Provincial Park along the original winding route.
- Ride along the lake shore.
- Stay at Northern Rockies Lodge ($140/night)
Day:7:Liard Hot Springs (Mile 496)
- Mile: 463 to 496 - Short morning ride to Liard Hot Springs.
- Expect Woods Bison and Black Bears along the roadsides.
- Stay in Liard Hot Springs Lodge ($150/night)
Day:8:Teslin Lake, Johnson Crossing
- Mile: 496 to 804 - Shuttle to Teslin
- Mile: 804 to 836 Pedal to Johnsons Crossing for lunch. Visit the George Johnson Museum and explore the history of the Canol Road
- Mile: 836 to 866: Shuttle to Jake’s Corner
- Mile: 866 to 918:: Shuttle to Coast High Country Inn ($120/night) in Whitehorse.
Day:9:Cycling to the St Elias Range
- Mile: 918 to 974: Shuttle out of town to village of Champagne to avoid the heavy traffic
- Mile: 974 to 1016: Pedal down the Alaska Highway as the snow covered peaks of the St Elias Range start popping into view
- Stop in Haines the AlCan Motor Inn ($100/night)
Day:10:Kluane Lake, Destruction Bay
- Mile 1016 to 1038: Shuttle to Sulfur Lake
- Mile: 1038 to 1083: Stop in the town of Destruction Bay overlooking the lake.
- Stay at Talbot Arm Motel ($110/night)
Day:11:White River / Discovery Yukon
- Mile: 1083 to 1123: Continue along the Kluane Lake past Burwash.for about 40 miles
- Mile: 1123 to 1167: Shuttle 44 miles to White River and Discovery Yukon Lodge ($150/night)
Day:12:Alaska awaits!
- Mile 1167 to 1200: Ride to Beaver Creek, Canada’s western most town.
- Mile: 1200 to 1221: Shuttle to US border into Alaska.
- Mile: 1220 to 1297: Shuttle to Tetlin Junction (Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center about 30 miles past the border).
- Mile: 1297 to 1309: Pedal into Tok.
- Stay at Hyde Away Inn B&B ($150/night)
Day:13:End of the Road, Mile 1422
- Mile: 1309 to 1380: Shuttle out to Airport Equipment Rentals and 20 mile passed Dot Lake Village
- Mile: 1380 to 1422: Bike the final 46 miles of the famed Al-Can Highway.
- Photos at Milepost 1422
- Spend the night in Delta Kelly's Alaska County Inn ($150/night)
- Shuttle to Fairbanks Airport.- 95 miles
Daily Food and Lodging (14 x $125) = $1,750
SAG Vehicle (3200 miles/20mpg x $3/gal) = $480 shared (participants less driver)
Vehicle Out/Back (5100 miles/20mpg x $3/gal) = $765 shared (participants less driver)
Air Fare = $750
Motel & Food Out/Back (8 nights x $150) = $1,200
Assumed minimum of four bicyclist
- Food & Lodging = $1,750
- Shared Fuel = $ 415 (Paid to driver)
- Air Fare* = $ 863 (Pay $113 to driver)
Total $3,028
- Food & Lodging = $1,750
- Shared Fuel = $ 0 (Costs covered by non-drivers)
- Travel* = $ 863
Total $2,613
* All participants incur same expense to get to/from tour